love poetry in english

 Love is a feeling that comes from the heart, not the mind. The Love poetry in English lets you share your feelings, emotions, and happiness. Love isn’t just what you say or show, it’s what you keep inside. Share these Shayari with your friends on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram

In this article, Love Poetry in English we share a special collection of sincere and beautiful love poems, carefully created to touch your heart. We use love poetry to express our love. We convey to the person a sense of their importance in our lives. When we miss our lovers and are away from them and cannot meet them, we should convey this poetry to them.

Also, Check Love Poetry in Urdu

love poetry in english

Welcome to a unique type of English poetry called love poetry in English 2 lines. In this era, love poetry in English 2 lines uses words to express deep emotions. Love poetry (Shayari) in English 2 lines captures the innermost feelings of the heart, revealing the truth of life. In English literature, love poetry embodies the essence of dreams, opening a door to life’s challenges.

  • 🌙💫Meetings may be impossible to arrange,
    But know, we remember you in every exchange🌙💫
  • 🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏻Be anything to anyone but me.”
    “You are my life, my soul🧑🏾‍❤️‍🧑🏻
  • 😘😘It’s incomplete, but I have to say it.”
    “I must be yours until I breathe😘😘
  • 😘👨‍❤️‍👨In what words can I express your importance”
    “That we are often imperfect.😘👨‍❤️‍👨
  • 👨‍❤️‍👨💕Proximity is a great thing, dear soul.”
    “Your name is enough to comfort this heart👨‍❤️‍👨💕
  • 👨‍❤️‍👨💕I’m also a graduate, and you as well,
    Let’s delve into scholarly tales to dwell.👨‍❤️‍👨💕
  • Neither you nor I in a sense stay,
    Break me enough to lose my way.
  • Even in this present moment, if the peace you crave,
    Let’s step beyond this moment, and be brave.
  • What is it about you, so unique in style?
    Why do you seem so wonderfully worthwhile?
  • I’ll embrace, I’ll hold close, without a sigh,
    Just watching now, with a silent cry.
  • In your embrace, I found solace sweet,
    Forgetting you took no small feat.
  • My longing gaze holds fervor, true,
    Yet, your radiance outshines, it’s you.
  • The sun, the stars, the moon may fade away,
    As long as your hand remains in mine, they’ll stay.
  • We may have a thousand complaints about you… but I love you more than that.!!
  • You may be anything for anyone but for me, you are my life and I need to live more..!❤️💞
  • In the name of love, the voice she gave after a long time…What a chessboard of footsteps… I was left breathless…!!❤️🌹
  • We are not crazy to believe in everything you say. Nothing feels better than your happiness…
  • What should I praise you for…listen I like you without any reason and in every season
  • People die for appearances, For me, even your voice is love.
  • I asked for some happiness from God God has made us lucky to meet you…
  • Hold on to the beats! ‘Cause if we get closer Then you will forget yourself.!
  • If I get angry, you can convince me. Don’t say anything, just hug me.
  • You are the entire night of an incomplete dream for me, Even if not physically present, you make me feel alive.
  • If love is true then never Changes neither with time nor with circumstances!!
  • You are not my demand… to be fulfilled, You are my heartbeat… that is necessary…
  • ”Our love is as deep as the sea,”
    You will find the world of love in your arms”
  • 😍😍” Every page in the book of love is new.”
    For you, dear, every chapter is true.”🥰🥰
  • 😍😍” Our love takes root in the garden of the heart.”
    In every kiss, our love becomes the sweetest fruit.”😍😍
  • 😘” Like a dance of fire ants on a hot summer night,
    Our love is an infinitely bright light.”
  • 😍😘” Like the morning sun, love brings a new day,
    If you’re with me, we’ll find our way.”
  • Tonight, I will look up at the moon and I will know
    that somewhere you are looking at it too.”
  • “Whither thou goest, I will go;
    and where thou lodgest, I will lodge.”
  • If I thought for just one moment.
    that my heart would beat its last beat,
  • If I thought for just one moment.
    that your touch would be the last I’d feel.
  • You always know just what to say.
    Just talking to you makes my day.
  • Grant me a smile, just once, I implore, Even in dreams, let your sight be restored.
  • Promise to come, just once, in vow sincere,
    Then, if needed, a lifetime of waiting I’ll endure
  • Do not be too proud, oh unaware one, In this city, the talk is more of my defeat, not your win.
  • My confidant is every hue of season’s sway, But the dusk, desolate, knows me in every way.
  • Deeds shape life, be it paradise or hell’s might, This earthly clay in its nature holds neither divine nor blight.
  • When joy graces our path, where shall it reside, In eyes, desires gleam; in hearts, another’s sorrow doth bide.
  • He who dwells in the mirror of the heart is worthy of love’s embrace, Else, every picture is but fit for the wall’s space.
  • hen You Are In Light, Everyone follows you.
    But When You Are In Dark, Even Your Shadow Leaves You.
  • I want to forget all the times When we were together,
    Bot because I don’t love her, Because it hurts too much to remember
  • I bet you’ll never remember what I will never forget.
  • I am deeply saddened by the loss that you and your family have encountered. My condolences.
  • You went away and took my heart. I dropped a tear. And died that night.
  • When It Is Hard To Hide Your Tears, Then Never Mind, Start Cutting An Onion, Let The Heart Cry, You Just Blame The Onion.
  • At Some Point, You Have To Realize That Some People Can Stay In Your Heart, But Not In Your Life.
  • You can crop me out of the pictures we took together, But You can never crop me out of the memories we shared.
  • My love, Life is being stopped without your company. It is so hard to run my life without you.
  • You know, my love, I miss you every minute and every second, I realized that my life is meaningless and empty without you.
  • Without you, the room feels empty, and my heart even emptier. You cannot imagine how much I miss you.
  • I hate the distance between us, I want to touch you, but I cannot, it’s killing me.
love poetry in english

2 Line Love Poetry in English

Love is the feeling that even after changing with time holds its depth and emotions. This poetry tells us about feelings. Love poetry in English 2 lines expresses the feelings of love that echo in the heart for ages.

  • 💞💞I have so much pure love for you”
    “Even if I raised my head, I saw only to my feet💕💕
  • 💯💯Let me speak to you in front of me.”
    “I will live my life in your name without saying a single word💥💥
  • 👨‍❤️‍👨👨‍❤️‍👨It’s incomplete, but I have to say it.”
    “I must be yours until I breathe💞💞
  • ❤️‍🔥💟In your heart I have been imprisoned for a lifetime.”
    “Let all the lawyers get tired so that I don’t get bail💟💟
  • ❤️‍🔥💟You are not aware and I am not aware
    Want to break me so much that it drives me crazy❤️‍🔥💟
  • ❤️‍🔥💟Your love is a quest
    There is a question about your affections❤️‍🔥💟
  • 💟Like No one can leave his religion,
    We have some faith in you! ❤️‍🔥
  • 💟 Not Necessary love is supported by arms,
    someone is also love to feel the whole life!❤️‍🔥
  • ❣️Closeness is a profound desire, oh soul,
    Your name brings solace to this heart’s console.💕👈
  • 💛💛That you look angry, tell me some trick to celebrate”
    “We will trust our lives. You tell us the price of smiling.👌👌
  • 🥰🥰We were not in the habit of sacrificing ourselves to anyone.”
    “There was something in you that could not be handled😍😍
  • 😘😘That you will see the way no matter how long it takes.”
    “Either they come or we have to hide 😊😊
  • 💘💘Love blooms when heart meets heart”
    “The difficulty is that hearts meet with great difficulty💝💝
  • 💝💝We give you a guarantee of profit.
    “We will buy all the loss of love💯💯
  • 🙌🙌In one’s memory one forgets everything.”
    “This is a covenant of love, beloved, it has to be fulfilled💫💫
  • 😇😇I have so much pure love for you”
    “Even if I raised my head, I saw only to my feet😊😊
  • ❤️‍🩹Feel us in ourselves
    We live in your breath❤️‍🩹
  • ❤️‍🩹 We have been waiting for you all your life
    If only God wills it, do not be unfaithful❤️‍🩹
  • ❤️‍🩹Feel us in ourselves
    We live in your breath❤️‍🩹
  • 👉❣️ The weather in your city has been getting worse.
    If it’s okay with you, I will take an evening.💕👈
  • 👉❣️Hey, these are not my eyes but someone else’s.
    Look, you are seeing another person’s face..💕👈
  • 🤭🤭In what words can I express the significance of you?
    For in your absence, I remain incomplete, it’s true🤭🤭
  • 😘😘Keep me in the trap”
    “Your lie is also to me.”😘😘
  • ❣️❣️Don’t ask me the reason for waking up, O Moon.
    “Yours is the only thing that doesn’t let me sleep❣️❣️
  • 💞💞My heart wants to write something so deep.
    “Read, everyone will understand, but only you will understand💞💞
  • 💯💯Tell me that I don’t get peace because of you”
    “Don’t be mine and only mine💯💯
  • 💥💥Let me confess with my eyes closed.”
    “Yes, I want to love you with all my heart💥💥
  • 💓💓I have so many questions in my heart.
    “Their charming answer is you💓💓
  • 💞💞My life, my servitude, my comforts, my wants.”
    “If not shoes then nothing explains my life💞💞
  • 💫💫Then don’t make fun of my insolent gaze”
    “Look, you looked at me with love again💫💫
  • 💥💥Love is a fragile mood
    Cannot bear the burden of intellect💥💥
  • 💫💫We have been waiting for you all your life
    If only God wills it, do not be unfaithful💫💫
  • 💞May you understand the torment of infidelity
    I wish you had someone like you💫💫
  • 💫💫Did you say that love is eternal?
    Is this the last time you met?💞💞
  • 💞💞Did you see this eternal love under you?
    Did you list the time you were offended?💫💫

Love Poetry In English Copy Text

  • 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩An incomplete sentiment, yet essential to convey,
  • Until my breath persists, your presence is my only way👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩
  • 💞💞One name, one mention, one you, one your concern.
  • This is my love, my life💞💞
  • 💖💖The world will know me by your name”
  • “My being will be a sign of your being💖💖
  • 💞💞Far away the flowers go as the rain.”
  • “When she laughs, she laughs💞💞
  • 💫💫You are not used to looking back at me like this.
  • “When I saw you, I thought to see you once more💫💫
  • 💪💪He doesn’t even look at anyone else.
  • “The sight of a person bound me💪💪
  • 💞💖💞He is dear to my heart.”
  • Even the soul smiles at its mention💞💖💞
  • 😘❣️💞Don’t ask how many colors the eyes are familiar with.
  • “How many aspects have I thought of you?”😘❣️💞
  • 💯💥💓I don’t want them to come at my invitation.”
  • “I want them not to stay and come with excuses💯💥💓
  • 💯💥💓Why forgive him for his infidelity?
  • Heartbroken, we have no toys💯💥💓
  • 💯💥💓Whose name I will say on the tongue with you
  • I see a new person every day😘❣️💞
  • 😘❣️💞If I tried to, I couldn’t write those words.
  • Where you can show how much love you have.💯💥💓
  • Then don’t get lost in the crowd of the world.
  • Sometimes, we get a break from it😘❣️💞
  • 💓In your presence, words I weave with grace,
  • I refrain from silence, I live in your embrace💯
  • 💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩I am proud of your desire for friendship
  • I believe in everything you say💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩
  • 💪Always have a smile on your face
  • Because I love your smile💞
  • 💫💪🥰He enjoys every memory
  • First love is first love💫💪🥰
  • 💖💞I realized that you are not with me
  • How much does a picture cost?👩‍❤️‍👩💞
  • 😘❣️💞It is the fault of the eyes or the reflection is the beauty.
  • “Why does your face appear from place to place?”😘❣️💞
  • 💯💥💓Confused you with some questions”
  • “I saw you with all my heart.💯💥💓
  • 🤭😘❣️💞 your imagination ___ that touches us”
  • “Every breath I take smells of you.”🤭😘❣️💞
  • 💯💥💓You seem to be angry, tell me a trick to celebrate.
  • We will trust our lives. You tell us the price of smiling.”😍💞💌
  • 😍💞💌How unfaithful, merciless and mean was that one person
  • Forced us to put a heart to burn the heart💯💥💓
  • 💯💥💓Don’t even become the subject of a book
  • People read stories of infidels with great interest😍💞💌
  • 😍💞💌Your throat is too much for you, but so is the love.
  • That thing has a spot, this thing does too💯💥💓
  • 💫💪🥰In your heart, captivity so divine,
  • That all advocates tire, no surety they assign💫💪🥰
  • 💓💞💫”Thorns come in fortune”
  • “Man, we have picked a rose💓💞💫
  • 💞💌😲How many beautiful people were Jomal once”
  • “Absorbed in the eyes, absorbed in the heart💞💌😲
  • 😘❣️💞Punish anyone but stay in sight”
  • “I am not used to living without you😘❣️💞
  • 💯💥💓💞Time left, you saw me with love”
  • “What would be a more expensive journey than this?”💯💥💓
  • 💫👩‍❤️‍👩💞Even today, my eyes are suspicious of sleep.
  • “I did not let him come before your memory💫👩‍❤️‍👩💞
  • 💞💯💥We are like trees in love”
  • “Wherever they are planted, they remain standing for a long time💞💯💥
  • 💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩If I had the power to see you.”
  • “It happened day after day and again and again💞💫
  • 💞💯💥I often think and think
  • “Man, how cute we both will look in one picture😘❣️
  • 😘❣️💞I often think and think
  • “Man, how cute we both will look in one picture💞💯
  • 😘❣️💞Goodbye! O Yad Jaan, we left your life
  • By writing today, we broke our unfaithful pen😘❣️💞
  • 😘❣️💞O friend, even though our love has been deserted.
  • I’ve sometimes felt your need💞💯💥
  • 💞💯💥It was to say that I love them,
  • I am starting to hesitate in saying this.😘❣️💞

English Poetry Love 2 Lines:

Love poetry in English 2 lines is a magical power, that crosses both heart and places. And this love expresses itself in the heights of lyrical circles. In the delicate dance of words, English poetry holds the reality of love beautifully. Only in two lines, poetical lines make a roof of feelings for itself.

😘❣️💞Destiny didn’t align with our fate, otherwise,
We would’ve crafted a heart filled with love, no compromise😘❣️💞


💥💓💞From inhaling to exhaling
all moments are yours💥💓💞


😲🥱💗We meet day and night, and all the people are familiar with you.

I long to meet you😲🥱💗


💓💞💫My world my happiness
We start with you and end with you💓💞💫


💞💖💞I have to mess with you once
A lot to sort through💞💖💞


🤭😘❣️He wants so much
He is like the last person in the world🤭😘❣️


💯💥💓Only one ends with you
My anger and my love💯💥💓


😲🥱💗Only the world talks to you
Wishes do not mean to me💯💥💓


💯💥💓I want every friend like life
Maybe that’s why they become unfaithful😲🥱💗


😲🥱💗There will be a gathering of disloyal today
Just come on time, you are the special guest💯💥💓


💯💥💓I saw the constitution of the school of Ishaq strange.
He did not get the top, which missed the sub.😲🥱💗


💯💥💓Whether the path reveals itself or time does intervene,

Either you arrive today or we become each other’s serene💯💥💓


🥰😍💞There were hundreds of excuses to see you
What a time those were🥰😍💞


💫👩‍❤️‍👩💞I don’t even accept it. Look in the mirror
Just see you in one and God will see💫👩‍❤️‍👩💞


❣️💞💯Where does love need beauty and youth?
We will want you in every phase of life❣️💞💯


💥💓💞I love without care
From a careless person💥💓💞


💫👩‍❤️‍👩💞if the intention is halal
So love is not forbidden💫👩‍❤️‍👩💞


💞💫💪Love is never for special people
Those with whom it happens become special💞💫💪


💫👩‍❤️‍👩💞As one cannot leave his religion,
We have the same belief for you!💫👩‍❤️‍👩💞


It is not necessary to be supported by arms in love.
It is also love to feel someone’s whole life


Sir, in the chain of love
We are followers of our friends


English Love Poetry Romantic SMS:

💥💓💞Love brings hues when hearts in union meet,
The challenge lies in hearts, difficult to greet💥💓💞


💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩Who demands loyalty from you?
We were just asking for a little prayer💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩


💖💞💫I don’t get into calculations anymore
I just want you unaccountably💖💞💫


💞💯💥You are the joy of my eyes and the joy of my heart
You are my cool AHS cream and mango pickle💞💯💥


💪🥰😍Know that I love you
And believe that I have right over you💪🥰😍


😘❣️💞Neither you are aware nor I am aware
You want to break me so much, drive me crazy😘❣️💞


💯💥💓He is only angry with them
Those who believe that they will believe💯💥💓


❣️💞💯Let’s make love perfect
You take the shoulder, we take the head❣️💞💯


💓💞💫He saw, he kissed
I closed my eyes💓💞💫


Even if I wanted to, I could not write those words
In which it is stated how much love is for you💓💞💫


💓💞💫Consciousness is so restored
Only you care


💓💞💫We promise you the assurance of worldly gain,
But for love, we’ll bear all losses, all pain💓💞💫


👩‍❤️‍👩💞💖Will protect you with heart and soul
Just say once I trust you👩‍❤️‍👩💞💖


💞💫💪This is one of the principles in my wishes
We all accept your good and bad💞💫💪


🥰😍💞By turning away from the love of the whole world
We have only made ourselves yours🥰😍💞


💞💯💥Every moment is just a worry
When love is immense💞💯💥


💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩I have a lot of faith in you
Meet everyone but keep a little distance💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩


💯💥💓You should ask in the morning, if you are not sure, in the evening
This heart beats only with your name💯💥💓


💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩This one who steals my heart with your eyes
If you do it, you are cruel, sir, but you do it perfectly💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩


💞💖💞I will write the account of the wishes
Let me write a book on you💞💖💞


Did you say that love is eternal?
Is this the last time you met?💞💖💞


💞💖💞I saw you today after a long time
Don’t let today pass


🤭😘❣️In someone’s memory, one must forget it all,
This commitment of love, one must cherish and recall🤭😘❣️


💞💯💥I forget this has never happened to you
There is no one in my heart except you💞💯💥


💓💞💫You say, let’s see, we will cross the limit
We will die of happiness at your one hint💓💞💫


👩‍❤️‍👩💞💖Starting from the eyes, the story went to the end
When we came to our senses, the matter went to love👩‍❤️‍👩💞💖


💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩He is so special to me
Who has breath to beat💞💫👩‍❤️‍👩


💞💫💪Every word of the book of the heart from today to your name
This life is your name💞💫💪


😲🥱💗Neither laughing nor crying
I find comfort in being with you😲🥱💗


💞💯💥See the love for yourself in your eyes
Just see this again and again in your dream💞💯💥


💞💯💥The weather in your city started to suffer
I’ll steal an evening if you don’t mind💞💯💥


💞💯💥My breath is flowing
Your desires are perfect💞💯💥

Heartfelt New Poetry 2024:

Love, the essence of life, it’s you,
Life’s mystery, your heartbeat too.


Forever keep me close, let the world inquire,
Tenant of my heart, my love, don’t tire.


Entwined in my veins, a feeling so pure,
Your essence lingers, a sentiment secure.


In the rule of my love, a simple creed,
When you accept, everything I need.


Moonlight doesn’t compare to your glow,
Love isn’t measured in numbers, you know.


The arrows of your gaze, cunning and sly,
Unknown to whom, they let their targets fly.


In the chambers of my heart, a beat so true,
You are the rhythm, the pulse that I pursue


Eyes betray emotions with just one glance,
This is love, not left to chance.


No desire for the moon, nor the stars above,
Just be with me, my only love.


This life, so beautifully spun,
Now come, for you are the missing one


“Love Poetry for Her” is a book of poems that show deep love for the special woman in your life. These poems talk about what makes her important, like her kindness, strength, and how she makes you feel. The verses celebrate your bond. “Love Poetry for Her” helps you share your feelings, making her feel loved and appreciated with beautiful words. Enjoy this collection as it speaks from your heart.

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    bas jawab dena sara kaam chodkar.
  • Aakhein Kholu Toh Chehra Tumhara Ho
    Band Karu Toh Sapna Tumhara Ho,
    Maar Bhi Jau Toh Koyi Gam Nahi,
    Agar Kafan Ke Badle Achal Tumhara Ho.
  • Na Jaane Wo Kaun Tera Habeeb Hoga
    Tere Hatho Mein Jiska Naseeb Hoga
    Koi Tumhe Chahe Ye Koi Badi Baat Nahi
    Jisko Tum Chaho Wo Khush Naseeb Hoga…
  • Khamosh Muhabbat Ka Ehsaas Hai Wo,
    Mere Khwahish Mere Jajbat Hai Wo,
    Aksar Ye Khyal Kyu Aata Hai Dil Mai,
    Meri Pahli Khoj Or Aakhiri Talash Hai Wo
  • Teri Meri Bane To Bane Kaise?
    Tujhe Nibhana Nahi Aata,
    Mujhe Bhulana Nahi Aata
  • Aankhon Mein Na Humko Dhoondo Sanam
    Dil Mein Hum Bas Jaayenge!
    Tamanna Hai Agar Milne Ki Toh..
    Band Aankhon Mein Bhi Hum Nazar Aayenge!
  • mat puchh sheeshe se
    uske tut jaane kee wajah
    usne bhee kisi patthar ko
    apana samajha hoga
  • Pyar ne pyar se pucha, yeh pyar kya hota hai,
    Pyar ne pyar ko pyar se
    kaha , Jo tumhe pyar se dekhe pyar usi se hota hai.
  • Iltija Hai Bas Tujhe Paane Ki,
    Aur Koi Hasrat Nahi Hai Tere Deewane Ki,
    Shikwa Mujhe Tujhse Nahi Khuda Se Hai,
    Kya Zururat Thi Tujhe Itna Khubsoorat Banane Ki…
  • Tere Bina Tutkar Bikhar Jayenge,
    Tum Mil Gaye To Gulshan Ki Tarah Khil Jayenge,
    Tum Na Mile To Jite Ji Mar Jayenge,
    Tumhe Paa Liya To Markar Bhi Jee Jayenge.
  • Tere pyar mein humne apna honsh gawa diya,
    aankhon mein teri jhaankkar khudko tujhme sama diya,
    jab se chadha hai aapke ishq ka nasha aankhon par bas,
    tab se is khali dil mein aapko sanwaar diya.
  • Naseeb mera Q mujse khafa ho jata h, Apna jisko B mano bewafa ho jata h, Q na ho shikayat meri nazro ko raat se, Sapna pura hota nhi or sawera ho jata h..
  • Firqa-Bandi Hai Kahin Aur Kahin Zaatein Hain, Kya Zamane Mein Panapne Ki Yehi Baatein hain.
  • Apny Buss Main Kar Laity Ho. Uff Kitna Be-Bus Kar Daity Ho.
  • Abhi tuk yaad ker rahay ho pagal ho tum qasam see Us ne tu teray baad bhi hazaroon bhula diyay.
  • Kasay Karon Atbaar Muhbbat Par Log Pal Bhar mein.
  • Main aik isam-e-mohabat hon falak se utra.. main agar tere wird me rehta to karamat karta Tuh Badal Jaty hai.
  • Yeh hqeeqt hai k zindgi wfa nahin krti Aamir lekin ache dost bhi to zindgi hote hain.
  • Tum Se To Kheir Gharri Bhar Ki Mulaaqat Rahi Log Saddiyoon Ki Rafaaqat Ko Bhulaa Detay Hein.
love poetry in english

“Love Poetry for Him” is a book of poems that show deep love for the special man in your life. These poems talk about what makes him important, like his kindness, strength, and how he makes you feel. The verses celebrate your bond. “Love Poetry for Him” helps you share your feelings, making him feel loved and appreciated with beautiful words. Enjoy this collection as it speaks from your heart.

  • Agar Thak Jaao Kabhi Toh Humse Kahna
    Hum Utha Lenge Tumko Apni Baahon Mein
    Aap Ek Baar Pyar Karke Toh Dekho Humse
    Hum Khusiyan Bichha Denge Aapki Raahon Mein
  • Ishq Mohabbat to sab karte hai,
    gam-a-judai se sab darte hai,
    hum to ishq karte ha na to Mohabbat,
    hum to bas aapki ek mushkurahat pane ke liye taraste hai.
  • Rab Kare Zindagi Mein Aisa Mukaam Aaye,
    Meri Rooh Aur Jaan Aapke Kaam Aaye,
    Har Dua Mein Bas Yehi Maangte Hain Rab Se,
    Ki Agle Janam Mein Bhi Aapke Naam Ke Sath Mera Naam Aaye..
  • Pyar Tha, Mohabbat Thi, Ada Thi,
    Sab Kuchh Tha Usme.
    Wafa Hoti To Kayamat Hoti.
  • Dadkano ko kuch to kaabu me kar e-dil,
    Abhi to palake jhukai hai, abhi unka muskurana baki hai…
  • Na chhamd chahiye, na hi falak chahiye
    Mujhe bus tumhari ek jalak chahiye…
  • Har ek manzar pr udasi chhayi hai, Chand ki roshni me v kami aayi hai, Akale achhe the hm apne aashiane me, Jane Q toot kr aaj fir apki yaad aayi hai.
  • Ek dard chhupa rakha hai, barso se dil me..Dil karta hai aaj kah du bhari mehfil me.. Kyun aisa lagta hai ki, mere raste mujhse juda hain. Aa vi kyun meri manzil mujhse khafa hai..
  • Jo mai ruth jau to tum mana lena,
    Kuch na kahna bus sine se lga lena ..
  • Naseeb mera Q mujse khafa ho jata h, Apna jisko B mano bewafa ho jata h, Q na ho shikayat meri nazro ko raat se, Sapna pura hota nhi or sawera ho jata h..
  • Har Wat Mujhe Milti Rehti Hai Anjani Si Saza
    Main Kisse Pucho Mera Kasoor Kya Hai
  • Jααte-Jααte Uske ααkhiri αlfαz Yαhi The,
    Jee Sαko Toh Jee Lenα ɱαr Jααo Toh Behtαr Hαi.

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